
TWS Facility Services wins top 10 service companies in America

At TWS, we are always looking to perform at our best by developing our internal systems including software, customer service, employee appreciation, and equipment. This effort is what distinguishes exceptional service companies from average ones.

We are constantly testing new systems regularly to benefit our operations, client services, and customer service. One system we are really excited for is REPORTRACK. REPORTACK is an online web-based accountability tool, which we use to monitor our field-service staff. Yet, our clients can also monitor the services we perform on their properties through an online account. This tool is similar to the UPS tracking system, but REPORTRACK features people and not packages. This system allows clients to see the services we performed and that we delivered on our promises.

We provide facility services, yet clients receive much more value. We promise excellent customer service, reliability, and dependability

Service companies face many challenges with their current staff. Most service companies treat employees like machines. They do not fully appreciate them and constantly rely on them to perform better and faster. We truly think of our staff like family and involve them with both the positive and challenging aspects of the company. We really care about them personally as well as their families.By taking care of employees, everything else will follow.

With hundreds of employees, we help with emergency time-off, housing, car loans, and unfortunately with funerals. We are always trying to accommodate our employees’ schedules so they can attend their children’s school activities or family functions.TWS is not about machines or robots.We are about people and people have families.

We provide facility services, yet clients receive much more value. We promise excellent customer service, reliability, and dependability. Online accountability systems monitor our field staff and allow our clients access to view their service information. Clients see start and end times, check on property locations, view photos and more, which saves them time and provides peace-of-mind that the services were performed.

Also, we offer client online video streaming so they can direct our cameraperson around the property from the comfort of their office. This remote access saves clients time and money, who manage properties in different states and far away from their offices.

We have case studies on how we rise to the occasion with quick and dependable service. Examples can range from a water flood, a car damaging the property to a surprise visit from the property ownership. Clients have around the clock access to TWS on any day of the year. With a 94% client retention rate, clients depend on TWS and our capabilities.

Number 1 is our people. TWS treats employees like family and overall, our family provides the best quality to our clients and their properties. Our word is gold. If we tell the client we will handle it, it will be done regardless of cost or profit. Software and equipment are always in the forefront, which will provide the best quality, customer service, and pricing for our clients.

Here at TWS, we are people and people have kids, parents, brothers, and sisters.We know we are not perfect, yet all of us here have the same common goal.We strive to take care of our people, our clients and their properties. To be a part of TWS, you must have the DNA of “All In” “Reliable & Dependable” and “Great Customer Service”.

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