The TWS corporate team is here to support our clients directly and our team members in the field so they can do their job even better. This month, we’re putting the spotlight on Luis A. Castillo.
Corporate Team Member Spotlight

Luis A. Castillo
What I like about my job: Being able to have contact with new people, new places, new cultures, that makes me give the best of myself, re-develop my skills, that make me grow as a man, a father and gradually turn me into a better human being. That’s what I enjoy most about my job.
Work Education/Experience: In my country of Birth, Costa Rica I was an architect, my strength is designing.
Hobbies: I really enjoy outdoor activities and spending time with my daughter Fatima, of whom I am an integral part of her growth in his country, and she is my driving force in life.
Fun Fact: My father was of Spanish origin, and he instilled in me the culture of wine, so I know something about wines, I have given several wine courses and several tastings.
Favorite Food: My favorite food, chicken
Lo que me gusta de mi trabajo: El poder de tener contacto con personas nuevas, lugares nuevos, culturas nuevas, que me hacen dar lo mejor de mi, volver a desarrollar mis habilidades, que me hacen crecer como hombre, padre, y me convierte poco a poco en un mejor ser humano. Eso es lo que mas disfruto de mi trabajo.
Educación/Experiencia: En mi país de origen, Costa Rica soy arquitecto, mi mayor fortaleza es el diseño.
Pasatiempos: Disfruto mucho de actividades al aire libre y compartir con mi hija Fátima, de la cual soy parte integral de su crecimiento en este país, siendo ella mi motor de vida.
Dato Curioso: Mi padre era de origen español y me inculco la cultura del vino, de manera que conozco algo de vinos, he dado varios cursos y varias catas.
Mi Comida Favorita: Mi comida favorita, el pollo.